The Crossroads of the Imagination

Fanfic Links. Aka My works in Fanfics.

Art Work.
#fanfics-rp Character Bios.
Other RP Characters
Fanfic Links. Aka My works in Fanfics.
Orginal Stories/ Fiction by other people
Original Fictions.

Every Path leads somewhere.
They all lead to the Cross Roads.


It is here that I plan to list each and every Individual Link and Page to each Fanfic I have ever Written.
As I have stated on the Home Page, each Fanfic will be on it's own individual Page.
This place, is mearly the Libaray.


Is one of the few Fanfics which I have recently started.
The story itself I have tried to make rich and flowing with the ways and lifestyle of the people on Spira.
In this Story we meet Tina, who like Tidus came from Zanarkand.
When she finds herself in Spira, and meets up with Tidus, she learns some very suprising things about her own past and who she is.
My original goal was to have it completed by 2005 in the new year, but there was just so much left to write, I never met that goal. Now I write a chapter when I can. Overall it's my special Fanfic project, and I do have every intention of finishing it.


Desperate Times is a Sailor Moon Fanfic. I started to write it back before I had the internt in my apartment. It was a good way to pass the time while my daughter napped. Currently it is unfinished.


Becomming Pluto is not only a fanfic, but also a diary of sorts for the Soldier of Time. It's unfinished, but I rather liked the concept when I started to write it. Eventually I'll finish it.

Made by Devin "TheKid" deGruyl

FF8: Edeas Garden started out as a Drabble for the fun of it, but after the general good responce from some friends on a lj community, and encouragement to continue writing for it it turned into a very detailed account of the FF8 cast and their allies preparing things for the new SEEDS. It's still an ongoing story, and it's been taking up a lot of my time. It was started in June of 2006, and while not all the chapters are uploaded, there are a whopping 16 chapters to date.

All Fanfics and Stories are here by written by C. Ariza.
Copyright 1999-2004